Our team
Our entire team of professionals, led by Dr Concha Martínez Bertomeu, shares the same work philosophy. Combining many years of experience and education, together we comprise a multidisciplinary team of people whose goal is to improve the quality of life of our patients and inspire them with confidence.

Dr Concha Martínez Bertomeu
- Professional license number 46002282.
- Graduated in Dentistry from Valencia University in 1997.
- Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Dental Pathology and Therapeutics-Endodontic Pathology (2006-2008).
- Valencia University.
- Practitioner of General Dentistry and Paediatric Dentistry.
- I am a super tennis fan! And also a great lover of the discipline of Yoga. Istanbul is my favorite city.

Dr Eva Vicente Verdeguer
- Professional license number 46002569.
- Graduated in Dentistry from Valencia University in 1997.
- Ongoing training in Orthodontics with Dr Vicente Hernández Soler.
- Specialized in various courses of invisible aligners.
- Practitioner exclusively in Orthodontics since 2000.
- I like meeting people and eating new things.

Dr Marco Sorní Bröker
- Professional license number 46002766.
- Graduated in Dentistry from Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany) in 1998.
- Specialist in Dental Surgery and Implantology.
- Doctorate Degree in Dentistry, awarded “Apto cum laude” from Johannes Gutenberg University, 1999.
- Master’s in Oral Surgery and Implantology from Barcelona University under Dr Cosme Gay Escoda (1999-2001).
- Practitioner exclusively in Dental Surgery and Implantology since 2001.
- I like playing padel, reading and archeology. I love the Fiordos.

Dr Estefanía Sayas Balaguer
- Professional license number 46004064.
- Degree in Dentistry from the University Cardenal Herrera CEU (2008-2013).
- Official Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology from the European University of Valencia (2014-2016).
- Master’s degree in prosthodontics, implantoprosthodontics and dental esthetics from the Valencian Institute of Implantology (IVAII) (2017-2018).
- Assistant professor in the department of clinical practice at the European University of Valencia (2016-present).
- She is passionate about gastronomy and traveling to get to know new cultures, although she always wishes to return home.

Dr Germán Sánchez Herrera
- Member number 46004608.
- Degree in Dentistry from the Catholic University of Valencia (2011-2016).
- Master in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry by the Catholic University of Valencia (2016-2017).
- University Diploma in Dental Aesthetics from the Complutense University of Madrid (2021).
- Master in Periodontics, implantology and oral surgery. Chair IVIO-Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2023-2025).
- Adjunct Professor at the European University of Valencia.
- He practices Surf, loves to travel and meet new people.

Nieves Herrera Boj
- Accreditation as Oral Hygienist.
- I like reading, hiking and dogs. I’m a lover of the Aran Valley area.

Carmen Solves Tarín
- Superior Degree in Oral Hygiene.
- Collegiate No. 46/3139 by the Official College of Hygienists of the Valencian Community.
- Fan of water sports, travel and mountain.